Monday, October 29, 2001

I got back to Waterloo last night after spending the weekend in Toronto for my birthday, and I got at least a dozen ICQ messages saying "Happy Birthday!".. some were from 'friends' that I barely talk to now, and one was from some guy I talked to once online. It's kinda funny how everybody remembers your birthday - by looking at that stupid balloon icon next to your name on ICQ. What happened to those I-remembered-cuz-you-were-my-friend days? I can still recall most of my friends' birthdays.. but that memory is now deteriorating too. I should really learn to not rely so much on my computer to notify me of things like that.

But I had a blast while in Toronto! Two of my friends also had their birthdays this weekend (on the 28th), so a whole bunch of us went out to dinner together. After that we went out to Yuk Yuk's for some good ol' stand-up comedy. The show turned out to be much more disgusting than I ever remembered it to be, and the quality of comedians are definitely dropping! Where have all the good comedians gone? Oh yeah, and we got presents. Good presents too! I got the Cordless Freedom - yes, something that I've been wanting to buy for quite a while. My 'I-pump-iron-all-the-time' friend got a set of 20 lbs. dumbbells, and my 'I-want-to-learn-guitar' friend got a guitar from his girlfriend. So it was all good :)

Saturday, October 27, 2001

Finally I have setup a blog space for myself. I have always wanted to start keeping a journal, and for this year's birthday I have decided to have a 'birthday resolution'. I know it's weird, because most people have resolutions for new years. To me, my birthday is much more monumental than all those public holidays. I mean, heck, I have been living on this planet for 21 years now - EXACTLY 21 years today!

Happy Birthday to me!

Now I'm off to have lunch :)