Monday, February 28, 2005

Why am I so ill?

Better question: Why am I so easily ill? Once again I have come under the weather and gotten sick. Coughing, sneezing, headache, dizzy, and the symptoms go on. The good thing is that I get to take a break from work - which is what I'm doing right now. I think I went overboard with working last week, which also explained my mysterious disappearance from this space for the whole time. Average time to leave work last week = 8:20. The good thing is that I finally got back in the mode for work, so I don't make as many stupid mistakes as I did the first week back.

Now I'm off to drink some hot soup, and back to bed! (oh sleep.. how I miss you!)

Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Broke the Broker

Some brokers decided to take my boss and a few of my colleagues out for the night on Wednesday, and my boss decided that I should go along too. Of course, later on I found out that it was because we had to keep the brokers entertained while my boss wanted to go home early. The upside of this whole arrangement is that I get wined and dined at the finest restaurant in the city, and waltz into nightclubs that most people are green with envy to get into. We didn't leave the club until 2:30am - and of course I was expected in the office at 6:00am sharp the next morning.

It's Friday today, and through the broker lines today I heard "I'm still feeling it from Wednesday night. You sent a wild one out to meet us!" My colleague turned to me and say, "Look what you have done! You broke the broker!"


How little they really know - I am not doing too well myself either. I barely got any sleep that night, not to mention that I "accidentally" dozed off for about 15 seconds.. (and caught by my senior, oops) Tonight I'm going to get my 15 hours and recover from that night out..

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Back to the Grind

I was told today that "Well that's the last time you're taking a vacation!" after I had forgotten about the discounting factor analysis.. oops. I guess two and a half weeks was a bit excessive. I just got home not too long ago, and it's taken me two days to catch up with my work. All I could look forward to now is my next vacation... and I don't even know when that will be!

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Festive Spirit

It has been over a decade since I spent Chinese New Years in Hong Kong, and I must say that I really do miss the festive spirit in the air. Being in Canada for such a long time, I had forgotten how exciting it was to celebrate new years. Not only because of the abundance of good yummy food, I also get to see all my relatives and friends on a day-to-day basis during the holidays. Family dinners on new years' eve, 2nd day of new year, 3rd day of new year.. etc. The past few days I have been engrossed in shopping. It's almost an illness that I have now! Everyday I come home with bags after bags of clothing, food, and most importantly electronic gadgets. I suppose this is to make up for not spending any money when away..

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Don't try this at home

Somebody please remind me not to schedule a holiday with four legs of flight, totalling over 30 hours of flight time? I'm going to sleep now, thank you and good night.