Thursday, June 20, 2002

Adrian, I suggest you ease of on the World Cup thing. Read this :

Fan In Critical Condition

I don't want you go around shooting people, or burning yourself so you can become a phantom player. :P

Thursday, June 13, 2002

Enrollment for the next school term is today, and I already had several weeks to ponder on what course to take. I narrowed it down to about five to six courses. Fine, maybe that's not really narrowing it down, but it's better than picking any course at random. I'd like to share with you the pros and cons of each course I considered :)

French 151 - Yeah it's French. I remember after my grade 10 French class, I vowed to never ever take French again. Well, I take that back. FR151 shouldn't be too bad, especially if it's only introductory level. I think I still remember how to count from 1 to 10. :P Too bad it's lab-intensive, and lots of lecture hours and tutorials.

Spanish 101/Japanese 101 - Same idea as French, only I have absolutely no background in these. Not a bad idea to learn some new languages though!

Economics 371 - Finance Economics. This is almost like taking high school accounting + math all over again. They teach stuff like annunities, future/present value, etc. Plus some accounting principles. Not a bad course if I ever want to become a manager, or just to learn to have a better sense of making business decisions.

Psychology 101 - Oh yes, the course that every person walking out of university must have taken sometime during their undergraduate years. Too much reading, though. Plus the only section I could take is at night.. not that I have anything against night courses, but psychology might be a bit too much to absorb for three hours straight.

SMF 204 - It's not as bad as you think. For those of you who don't know, this is the course that sounds good but in fact it's a lot of work. This is, ladies and gentlemen, Introduction to Human Sexuality. (hence SMF - Sexuality, Marriage, and Family) Now get your mind outta the gutter, you don't watch p0rn all class and study them. In fact, it gets very scientific in the beginning. Topics include the anatomy of the reproductive systems, how sex is viewed in our society, pornographic material, sex for sale, etc. It is actually quite interesting. And no, Adrian, I did not write the textbook for this course :P Although, there is a chapter on positions........

Accounting 231 - Business law. Everything you want to know about laws governing the business world. This should be interesting, especially with the whole Enron thing going on. I think it's pretty beneficial to have a background knowledge in what I can or cannot do once I step out of school. :)

So guess which one I took?

Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Evelyn came up for a visit this weekend! Finally I have an excuse to do all the tourist-type activities that would be otherwise stupid to do alone. Hahaha. Took her to walk around the Byward Market, the Rideau Centre, and walked around downtown a little. Then we headed to the casino (where I only lost $2.75, haha), and then gone home to watch the 2002 MTV Movie Awards.. we also walked around the Parliament Hill (and took millions of stupid pictures), and gone on this boat tour on the Ottawa River. It was a nice and warm day, but Evelyn was whining that it was too cold and she would rather stay inside the boat! What a waste!! The nice breeze and the sun were PERFECT!

Anyhow, she's now back in Waterloo to continue her dreadful task of writing her mini-thesis. Of course, and I'm back at my everyday job pretending to be working. :P

Monday, June 10, 2002

Conspiracy. I am certain of it. Sometimes I feel that the world is out to get me - and I have proof. I may be skeptical and suspicious, even slightly paranoid (to put it nicely), but it's better to be safe than sorry. Backstabbers. Sell-outs.

Trust no one.

Thursday, June 06, 2002

While reading Andrew's journal dated on June 5th, regarding how he finds his new roommate 'cute', I started chuckling at work. It's so true - in our times today, I don't think we could even say somebody is 'cute' without being branded as a secret admirer of the person. Why is that?

Platonic friendship between members of the opposite sex. Is it even possible? Can people actually do that? What about ex-girlfriends? Or ex-boyfriends? Can you still be friends with them?

I would like to think so.

Wednesday, June 05, 2002

So SOME people are complaining that I don't blog enough, others just assumed that I have vanished off the earth (and probably had a party just for that). Be rest assured, I'm not going away *that* easily. I've just been busy with everything here in Ottawa. Work is taking up a whole bunch of my time, and then going out, doing stuff, seeing things. It's not that bad of a city, except for the fact that I can barely find any nightlife here.

Thus far I've been to the Byward market, a couple of pubs downtown, a bar & grill type around my house, the casino, and walked around downtown a bit. Not exactly exciting, mind you, but it's better than hiding at home and playing computer games all day.