Thursday, January 26, 2006

Time goes by too quickly..

Especially when I'm having fun, time just flies by and already I'm back in HK. Just a quick update before I'm off to bed. When we arrived, the taxi that Winnie had originally booked failed to show up (apparently gotten the dates wrong, don't you love flights that arrive at 1am?). We had to quickly look around for any free taxis to take us back to where she was staying. Her mom arrived the day after, and we just took a nice little walk in the city for a while. She actually still had to work on the Monday, so I spent the day with her mom and her aunt and we had some pretty interesting conversations (ie. learnt a lot about Winnie that I would've had to force it out of her)..

The highlight of the trip was of course the spa trip. We took the MRT (MTR, subway, tube, whatever you want to call the underground train) to one of the terminus stations near her house, and waited for a connection shuttle to take us to the spa resort. It was quite high up on the mountain and the scenery was spectacular! The room was very cozy and the spa was basically the bathtub built into the room. I quickly turned on the spa water tap and enjoyed the spa right away. Even though we were only there for one night, I took every opportunity to sink into that tub.. took a little stroll with Winnie around the mountain and explored the resort a little. After heading back to Taipei earlier this morning, I took the night flight back to HK and here I am.

Although I didn't actually do that much during the trip, it was the time spent with Winnie that was important..

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Flying off again!

I'm off to Taipei tonight.. flying with Winnie of course. Going to spend a few days there and we're also going to a spa in the mountains! Sounds very exciting. I haven't been to Taipei since the summer after I finished high school, and this time I have (somewhat of) a local to take me around!

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Waiting at the airport..

So I'm now sitting at the airport in HK, writing this on my iPaq. Why am I still at the airport, you ask? Winnie is actually making a weekend trip back to HK and arriving a few hours after I land. I quickly dropped my bags off at home and now back here to wait for her flight to arrive. Of course I am also here to carry her luggage back to her place..

On a side note, I love how I am always wired up. This is how I see my life should be - always connected and always reachable. Of course, it would also require the city to be as technologically advanced as it permits.. imagine if I were still in the UK, I'd be reading the paper and staring into space instead of chatting on MSN and writing my blog!

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Another regular trip back..

I'm off for two weeks starting today for Chinese New Years back in Hong Kong. In fact, I'll be making a little detour to Taipei for a few days to visit Winnie, and then back with my family for those endless family dinners. Hopefully I'll find some shopping time in between!

Haven't seen Winnie for a few months now. At first I was really doubtful about this distance between us, especially with my work schedule being so hectic and the time difference. So far everything has worked out quite well - we even did the new years count down twice! Unfortunately this time with family obligations, I won't be able to spend as much time in Taipei as I would like..

Sunday, January 08, 2006

Post-Holiday Syndrome?

After the slew of activities for the past three weeks, it seemed to have all died down to dull day-to-day work. Other than the lack of funds in everybody's wallet, I think most people have partied out and need some time to recover. For me, it's more about working extremely hard this year and achieving my goals. If there is one thing on my resolutions list I want to do, this would be it.

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Happy New Year

Happy new year everybody! Hope this is going to be a good year for all..
Some new year resolutions to keep myself motivated:

  • Get back in shape, and round is not a good shape.
  • Put in 110% at work and achieve my goals set two years ago.. still struggling to get there!
  • Finish reading four novels.
  • Learn to cook a proper meal, complete with starter through to dessert.
  • Broaden my music horizons, experiment with different types of music.
  • See at least two musicals/plays this year in the West End.
  • Travel to one place other than HK/Canada.
  • Improve in Mandarin - both in speaking and writing!

    But you know what they say.. resolutions are there to remind you at the end of the year what you haven't done.. :P