Sunday, June 26, 2005

Strawberry Picking

Just came home after a full-day of healthy and wholesome activity - strawberry picking and cooking/eating with a group of friends. The field was pretty far from the city itself, luckily we had a few drivers amongst us generously offering rides to those of us without wheels. (side note: I really miss having a car now!)

Other than strawberries, there were other fruits and veggies to be picked. Of course, I picked a basket full of strawberries (even though I don't really eat strawberries).. and later at night I went to a friend's place to make smoothies. (read: a friend that owns a blender)

Fruity-goodness for two days!

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Corporate Events

One benefit of working for a large corporation is their lack of cost management when it comes to finer details. Perhaps the amount is not substantial enough (perspective: them) for them to warrant additional costs to maintain. I say, carpe diem, and take advantage of what's been offered.

So that was the attitude I had when I took on the job of being a "buddy" for the new summer interns at work. Supposedly I'm their mentor, and a familiar face for them to ask questions about the firm. One of the perks that comes with the job is the availability of intern activities - where the company picks up the tab. Tonight I went to the welcome drinks reception, held in the Docklands Museum near work. Try to act professional after a few glasses of white wine..

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Band Show

Once again, after a long weekend I am completely unmotivated to work. Spent the entire day staring at the screens and being counter-productive - just as well, as today was extremely quiet at work. Promised a friend to see his gig after work today, so I stayed behind at work a little because his show doesn't actually start until 8pm. It was held in the basement of a bar close to the river, which wasn't too difficult to find. The room was cozy (read: smokey), and the aucostics were quite good. Turned out that it was a student show for those enrolled in a music course.

There were different styles of music played through the night, and I must say that some of their own material was quite fascinating! I always enjoy these events, because it's so fresh from what we hear on the radio all the time. Unfortunately I had to leave after the first few sets because of work obligations the next day.. but hopefully they hold these events often..