Saturday, February 19, 2005

I Broke the Broker

Some brokers decided to take my boss and a few of my colleagues out for the night on Wednesday, and my boss decided that I should go along too. Of course, later on I found out that it was because we had to keep the brokers entertained while my boss wanted to go home early. The upside of this whole arrangement is that I get wined and dined at the finest restaurant in the city, and waltz into nightclubs that most people are green with envy to get into. We didn't leave the club until 2:30am - and of course I was expected in the office at 6:00am sharp the next morning.

It's Friday today, and through the broker lines today I heard "I'm still feeling it from Wednesday night. You sent a wild one out to meet us!" My colleague turned to me and say, "Look what you have done! You broke the broker!"


How little they really know - I am not doing too well myself either. I barely got any sleep that night, not to mention that I "accidentally" dozed off for about 15 seconds.. (and caught by my senior, oops) Tonight I'm going to get my 15 hours and recover from that night out..

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