Friday, December 07, 2007

Cambio de Tercio

Still wasn't feeling really well but I had previously agreed to have dinner with one of the brokers, and the fact that I rarely see him makes it difficult to blow it off on such short notice. He had booked a table at Cambio de Tercio, a Spanish restaurant in the midst of Knightsbridge. It's actually just a bit further down from Lundum's, a restaurant which I've been twice and have spoken about before. As usual we left the office quite late (supposed to have met the broker there at 7:30pm, we left the office at 7:30pm).. so by the time we got there we were a good hour late. No matter, he was enjoying the wine with another one of our colleagues who left quite a bit before we did. The food was the standard affair at a Spanish restaurant - we had a few tapas to start and we each picked a main dish. I had the beef fillet with mushrooms and pan-fried foie gras, which was quite nicely cooked to my surprise. My experience with Spanish beef wasn't great, after eating a rubber-tough steak in Barcelona when all they served was seafood (damn the allergy). As for the tapas, we had the typical Spanish ham and a few other tidbits. The wine was quite well chosen, a nice Spanish red that didn't taste like a Spanish red - a refreshing change. I was expected the typical Rioja with a bit of sediments at the bottom, but instead it was much lighter body than I had thought. After dinner I had to quickly find an exit as I was really not feeling too well, hopped on a taxi and hit the bed before midnight. Now only if today could go a little faster so I could go home and sleep the entire weekend that'd be great..

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