Saturday, March 16, 2002

You don't need to be a psychic to guess where I am right now. I mean, who would be really bloggin at 1am on a Friday night.. ahem.. Saturday morning. This is going to be *THE* crunch weekend! Looks like I'll be breaking my own record of 36.5 hours without sleep. Perhaps I'll go for 40, but 48 seems really tempting. It is possible - just that it would take me a good week to get back in shape for the finals. Hmm.. maybe if I stop blogging and actually start working, I would get more work done. But you know me, I am known for my procrstination..

So my friends are enjoying themselves. Oh if you haven't noticed, on the left bottom of my blog page I have links to ppl all over the world. My friend in Germany is going on a roadtrip in a Porsche, and my friend in the US headed to NYC for the weekend. What about me? I'm stuck in the Waterhole suffering. Sometimes I wish life was fair :P

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