Saturday, April 06, 2002

I'm in the library right now. Yes, yes, final examinations. I know I have been talking about this forever, but if this weblog is about my life, and my life surrounds school, then that's exactly what I am going to talk about.

Looking at all my friend's blogs (they are all listed on the left side of the page - WHAT? You haven't visited them yet? You should - they tend to update more frequently than I do and probably have more interesting things to say), I realized that everybody accomplished *something* during their term. My friend Tania, for example, visited numerous countries in Europe, learned a lot of German, and hooked up with tons of German boys (alright, I made that up). My buddy Adrian is doing what he loves most - math, while enjoying his peaceful yet eventful life in the US. He also got to visit a couple of places too, and having a blast everyday with his co-workers and his housemate. Not to mention the chicks he gets, oh boy, like girls are just flocking his way and he has trouble peeling them off himself! (fine, I made that up too, but hey, at least I have faith in all my friends' attractiveness to other people) Andrew is having fun in the east coast, enjoying his studies and still has time to party. Then there's Evie.. well, she's in school too, so she doesn't count :) Even she accomplished in getting her favourite stuffed Pooh to study with her!

Then let's look at me. Hmm, what have I accomplished this semester?


That's right, ladies and gentlemen, nothing. I have been stuck in school for three months already, day-in and day-out I have been slaving away at labs/library/empty classrooms/home. I am serious. There was not a single moment which I had for myself, that I was truly relaxed. The only 'thing' I accomplished this semester was elevated blood pressure, an extreme tolerance for school, and a worse-than-ever temper. None of which I consider a 'good' accomplishment. I admit, I might not be the most interesting person on the planet. Some may consider me a 'geek', but I *do* know how to have fun. Simply put, I am NOT having any fun right now. I'm not even CLOSE to having fun. Being here, slaving away, seem like a chore more than anything. Educational experience, yeah right.

So what's my point after my rambling? I have no idea. I just thought I should share it with you - whomever you may be. This is the reason for my blog - my space, my identity on the planet. This is one place where I can be myself, share my thoughts, and propose my views on life, the universe, and everything.

Getting back to studying. Sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do.

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