Tuesday, June 11, 2002

Evelyn came up for a visit this weekend! Finally I have an excuse to do all the tourist-type activities that would be otherwise stupid to do alone. Hahaha. Took her to walk around the Byward Market, the Rideau Centre, and walked around downtown a little. Then we headed to the casino (where I only lost $2.75, haha), and then gone home to watch the 2002 MTV Movie Awards.. we also walked around the Parliament Hill (and took millions of stupid pictures), and gone on this boat tour on the Ottawa River. It was a nice and warm day, but Evelyn was whining that it was too cold and she would rather stay inside the boat! What a waste!! The nice breeze and the sun were PERFECT!

Anyhow, she's now back in Waterloo to continue her dreadful task of writing her mini-thesis. Of course, and I'm back at my everyday job pretending to be working. :P

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