Thursday, September 04, 2003

Orientation Week Day 2

I forgot to mention about Single and Sexy, a play that the drama department puts on every year during orientation week. It illustrates all the 'potential' situations that could occur to the frosh entering university, from sexual harassment to AIDS, and they obviously plug the services that the university provides (Health Services, for example). The funniest thing from the play is the Chinese guy, which they have every year, represent the foreign student that is trying to fit into the society. This year, the foreign student is from Hong Kong, and in the middle of the play he started speaking Chinese. He said something along the lines of "Now that I'm speaking Chinese, nobody else will understand what I'm talking about except for those of you who understands this right now." Also, in the scene where his roommate got drunk, he screamed "Sei gwai lo, yau yum jui jau".. those of you who understand Chinese will realize how funny that is.

The second day of orientation was a little more toned down (at least I didn't get dunked into a mud pit again). It started off with Junk Yard Wars, where each colour group needs to build a machine using scrap wood, cardboard, and nails. This year, they had to build a machine that picks up aluminum cans, and a machine that destroys other group's tower of cans. My group was not very successful, but they had a lot of fun designing and I can really see some group dynamics going on between them.

The highlight of the day was Meet The Tool, the mascot of Waterloo Engineering. My colour group put on a skit, an reenactment of the war scene from Braveheart. (since we're the Grape Scots and all) I was so happy to find that my group came up with pretty much the whole idea, and planned it amongst themselves. As a result, we were allowed into Federation Hall first - hence closest to the Tool!

At night it was the Lunar Luau, a joint-faculty event with Mathematics and Environmental Studies. I ended up walking around and chatting with other leaders, while keeping an eye out for any trouble. Some EdCom was doing what they do best - taunting singers at the karaoke bar. "Frosh, I want to see more dance." "Frosh, put the microphone down and step away from the stage." It was a hilarious sight.

Now to get some sleep..

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