Sunday, March 21, 2004

Graduation Ball

It was really cool to see everybody so dressed up.. the next time I see all my classmates all dressed up will probably be at one of their weddings. The food was.. well, catered food. There's really not much to say about that except my table was shocked to have received SEVEN vegetarian plates. Luckily the server found us some Chicken meals. Took more pictures, chatted with a few people I haven't seen in a while, and then got back on the limo for the after party.

At the after party, more drunkenness ensued. Madness was had by all. Hope to have more parties before everybody goes in different directions.. kinda sad that the group finally realizes how to 'party' in our last semester being a student...

Thanks for all those who tried to ensure I had a good time, and my table for putting up with my lame jokes. It was difficult enough for me to go through the night while being there.. one step at a time..

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