Thursday, April 07, 2005

Chef's Table

Last night I was invited to dinner at Gordon Ramsay at Claridge's along with a few of my colleagues. For those of you only familiar with Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay is the true celebrity chef. A football player turned chef, he is the only one in the UK to hold 7 Michelin stars. The restaurant itself was already really fancy, but we got something even more special - the chef's table. It's a table situated at the heart of the kitchen, allowing interaction between the patrons and the kitchen staff. In short, it had to be the best meal I've ever had in my life. We were served a bottle of wine for every course that came out (and we had almost 9 courses including dessert), so needless to say I wasn't my usual composed self by the end of the night.. My most memorable part of the meal was touring of the kitchen, and tasting that white mushroom truffle.. mmmmmm..

Now I have a headache (from the hangover) and a tummy-ache (from the eating)..

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