Saturday, October 19, 2002

Yay, in about 45 minutes I'm going to write my first midterm of this semester.. great.. I feel really unprepared. Even though I have been studying for the past couple of days, and I mean, I _studied_. Library has become my second home (my first home is the lab), and I pretty much get kicked out every night when they close. I'm usually the first one in, and the last one to leave. Well, and then I leave for class/food. Sometimes I wonder why I still do this when I question it all the time. I guess there are things you *WANT* to do, and then there are things you *HAVE* to do.

Oh Happy Birthday (belated) Michelle! :) As for Adrian, I'll be cooking steak/porkchops every night when you get back in Waterloo. Uhh wait, I have midterms the whole next week. Forget that. :P

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