Thursday, December 12, 2002

Strike three! Thank goodness this is not baseball. Sometimes I think professors are these mad scientists that are really nice to you in front of you, but behind your back they have all these crazy things in their lab and they plot to take over the world. All of them. Either that or they are really sadistic and like to see us suffer. Why on earth would you have an examination where the basis of knowledge is how much you can stuff in your head? I mean, come on, a table of equations is hardly 'knowledge' that a university student should possess, especially when those equations are empirically calculated anyway! They don't mean anything.

Sometimes I just wish life was fair, and that the professors will have to sit in front of us and write the freakin' final exam without any aids, just like the 200 of us. I mean, sure, they wrote the final so they have an advantage. Somehow I don't think these professors can write their own exam in three hours either, and get even a 90 on it. They say a good gauge of the length of the exam is for the professor to sit down, write the exam as if they were the student, then double the time they took. I hope more professors follow that rule in the future.

Alright, enough bitching for the day. Back to studying control systems..

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