Monday, August 18, 2003

On the way..

I would like to thank Chris, who volunteered to drive Evelyn and I down to the Greyhound station despite the chaos on the streets. Evelyn and I couldn't get any sleep the night prior to the move - who could, knowing that there is no way to tell whether we have a truck to move, or even if there is power in MI, where we were staying overnight. Calling U-Haul yielded no result - the customer service rep hung up on me! Finally catching a bus into Waterloo, we found a truck that we could use, picked up all the boxes from storage, and off we go.

We got stuck at the border for about an hour and a half because of Evelyn's student visa, but everything was smooth afterwards. After checking in at the hotel near East Lansing, we hurried off to T.G.I. Friday's for dinner. Little did we realize, we haven't eaten all day! (it was 10pm) I suppose I would be a bit worried about eating out after the blackout - who knows if the food is safe to eat or not.

After the blackout, I realize that as a society, we rely on technology. Are we still the master of the machines, or have the machines taken over control? (Oh no, this is starting to sound like the Matrix)

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