Wednesday, November 19, 2003

High Society

So today was an interesting day, since I was invited to a pre-launch event for a new line of luxury car. Seeing that I'm not a big car enthusiast, I invited my brother along since he loves this kind of stuff. I told him to dress nice - after all, it's a luxury car they are showcasing. Boy was I ever glad.

It was held at The Distillery District in downtown Toronto, in a small building called "The Fermenting Room". As we stepped in, we were greeted with the car sitting on the right of the stairs. I must comment on the fact that the car looked amazing - very luxurious, leather interior, and all the bells-and-whistles to go with it. With its 12-cylinder engine, capable of outputting 420hp.. okay, I'll stop here. The price tag, you ask? $126,000. I can almost buy a condo for that amount.

We were served martinis (eat your hearts out people, open bar!) and small h'or derves - peking duck wraps, small cucumbers with some exotic spices and spreads on top? I admit I don't have much experience with these 'upper class' h'or derves. As my brother said last night, "If it were me, it'd be pineapple and sausages!"

Then they brought on more food. Tandori Chicken Skewers and Lamb Chop with Sweet Potatos?! Whoa. Still unlimited drinks (unfortunately I had to drive home so I only had a few drinks), and now they even have dessert and coffee! My brother kept lamenting how this is such a 'rich person' event, as they all know each other or something. I felt like I was finally accepted into the high society (AS IF). Looked around the car some more, and watched a video about their factory in Germany, then the main entertainment began...

They invited - Chantal Kreviazuk - to perform for us. I was ecstatic. Not only is she one of my favourite female artists, but I was standing not fewer than 2 feet away from her while she sat at the piano and sang. She first sang the song "In This Life" from her new (not so, it's been a year) album. Then she talked about her pregnancy (8 months already!), and then she dedicated her next song to her soon-to-be-born baby boy. Quite funny how she changed the lyrics of "Before You" to "Baby, before you, I was a size 2.. " Afterwards she sang "Feels Like Home" and her famed "Leaving on a Jet Plane" with a soul/jazz touch. At least she ended her set with "What If It All Means Something".

She had such an incredible voice! Makes me even more ashamed of my own singing, and the fact she can play an instrument and sing is already astounding. As we were about to leave after her set was over, the servers were walking around with her latest CDs for each person there. I quickly (*keyword*) snatched one, and waited for Chantal to come and sign it for me. Remembering that it was Evelyn's birthday, I decided to forego my opportunity to have my VERY OWN PERSONAL AUTOGRAPHED CD of Chantal Kreviazuk and said, "Could you write it to Evelyn? It's her birthday today." So now Evelyn has an autographed CD from her, for her birthday present! (as a side note, Evelyn really likes her songs too)

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