Sunday, November 23, 2003

Oh and there's a twist..

Thanks for proving to me that the world *is* scheming something towards me! It was a nice evening on Friday night - dinner with some friends over great food, chatting away about everything under the sun. When suddenly 'a friend' called Lisa, asking her for a lift from the airport. Coincidentally she didn't drive! Guess who was asked for a 'favour'? Me. Knowing the fact that I wouldn't refuse to help somebody in need (not in a million years!), I was 'deceived' into going to the airport with Lisa to pick up her 'friend'.

Well, to make a long story short, Evelyn came back and surprised me. It was a classic moment at the airport when I saw her walking out when I was expected Lisa's 'friend'. Now looking back, they dropped so many hints and made many blunders which I should have caught. Hey, they say hindsight is 20/20!

These friends know me so well.. to the point where they can predict my reactions to everything. Sorta scary if you think about it. So now Evelyn is back for a week! So happy that she decided to come back even though she's busy with her studies and research.. hehehe.

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