Monday, January 17, 2005


First of all, I haven't gone missing. Work is simply taking too much of my time, and when I get home all I really want to do is sleep. In fact, I had gotten sick (again) last week and spent one day at home sleeping. Fourteen hours of sleep is good for your body. I'm finally sitting down and have some time to recap on what has happened in the past week since I last wrote.

I am having my annual appraisal tomorrow with my new boss. Supposedly this is a very important process in my company, as they (at least they claim to) take this quite seriously. The fact that I only joined midway through the year, I am not being assigned a grade but will be given feedback of my performance thus far. Also my objectives for the upcoming year will be set during this meeting. This is the first part of my concern, because I don't think that I have performed all that well for the two months that I have started with this boss. Others have told me that I'm not expected to have progressed any further than what I have already achieved, but somehow I feel that I should be further ahead than where I am right now...

Which brings me to my second point, which is about moving to work with another colleague instead of my boss. In my field of work, it is often the case where a senior takes on a junior (ie. me) as an apprentice. This is perhaps the best way to learn in this hectic workplace. After working directly with my boss for the past two months, he decided that I am now to work with another colleague. Is this a move based on my incompetence? That he feels that he is wasting his time with me?

Perhaps I'm being a bit too sensitive, but I cannot help but think that I have progressed too slowly. I fear that I may be doomed to fail in this line of work. Add this on top of the fact that I have my appraisal tomorrow...

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