Monday, January 31, 2005

Time is so relative..

The past two weeks literally flew over my head. Or it could be just the plane ride back to Toronto. Yes, ladies and gents, I'm back in Toronto for a 4-day frenzy to kick-off my two week vacation. "Vacation?!" Yes, I managed to beg (literally) two weeks off from my new boss for a bit of R&R. Now I'm sitting in front of my old computer, typing away as I'm packing up to leave after my four day whirl.

Just to recap, I did finally have the appraisal done last Friday after insisting that it be done before the weekend. I'll leave the details out, but the general outlook is not too great. My speculations and worries were correct - I'm moving a bit too slowly, and I need to be more aggressive on the floor. Not surprising, because I am usually the type to be quiet and watch (meanwhile learn) about my surroundings before making a move. Hopefully I'll be able to learn a bit faster after I return from my vacation..

There were too many people I had left out of my schedule, because it simply wasn't possible to fit everybody in. To that, I would like to send out my more sincere apology. I had gotten about three or four hours sleep each night for the past three days, and so I'm hoping my flight back to London will give me a good solid 7 hours of sleep. Good food, good friends, what more can I ask for? I also went on a shopping spree (Lisa can definitely attest to that), and ate as if I haven't eaten for the past six months. Winterlicious was great, poking fun at Chris and Tania (along with Xania) was better. Gave my usual "long and boring" advice to Tania, and said something completely cryptic to Chris before leaving. Karaoke is not the same without the usual bunch, but was satisfying nevertheless. Meeting a friend now living in Hong Kong in Toronto is quite ironic, considering we have both moved out of the city. Catching up with classmates were of the usual sort, but great to hear that everybody is heading towards their own direction. Heart-to-hearts with various people were great, it really makes me value the friendships even more.

I'll be back for sure. After all, this city was home for half of my life thus far.. now off to the second leg of my trip!

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