Sunday, July 24, 2005

Thank You, London

That's just a picture I took at the tube station near my work. It says "Thank You, London"... meant for the 2012 Olympics campaign. Now it takes on a whole new meaning... Thanks to London, now I feel that I cannot go on the tube or the bus or any public transport without thinking whether I should write a will. Thank you London for making all my friends worried about me, and furthermore, defer any trips they have to visit. Thank you London for giving me another reason to leave...

On the brighter side, thanks to those of you who worried about my wellbeing and called to see if I were blown to pieces. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your view of me), I'm still alive and well. It's evident that a little more security precaution is taken near my work area, being the new finance centre in London and all. Had been evacuated from the building twice on bomb scares, locked in the building a few times because of suspicious vehicles outside... small inconveniences in exchange for my life!

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