Monday, September 26, 2005

Quick Review of Trip to HK

Now that I have screwed up my sleeping schedule, I'm going to force myself to sleep in about half hour so that I can wake up properly for work. For now, I'm going to quickly update on the rest of my trip in HK:

  • Had lunch with my grandparents (on my mom's side) on Monday, it was good to see them again. I missed them last time I was in HK because they were away on vacation.
  • Dinner with Arthur and his girlfriend, had a good catching up session with him about work and life in general. Ah I miss the old times when we were both in Toronto.
  • Drinks at Lan Kwai near closing time. Didn't know that people in HK were also this friendly after a few drinks. Felt weird because I normally don't see so many Chinese drinking (and having fun!)
  • Took my cousins for a day out - I still remember babysitting them when they were little, and now they talk back to me and everything. I'm *definitely* much older now...
  • Helped Winnie built a new computer at home, and set up her router, all within one night's time (oh and I went out for dinner in the middle of it for three hours)

    Tomorrow is another day...
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