Sunday, December 21, 2003

Lisa's Big Christmas Bash

It was so much fun!!! I would have to say that this is probably one of the best organized parties Lisa has put on (and probably the biggest). Arrived at Lisa's place around 3:30pm, and sang karaoke with her friend Joyce in Lisa's newly-renovated home theatre room for a good 45 minutes before we gave up the room to other people. Lisa even invited friends that DJs - blasting music in her basement, with mahjong tables and pool table waiting to entertain. The food was awesome too.. everybody brought something, and we ended up leaving a lot of left-overs.

Lisa's mom was so nice too - she knew that I was allergic to shrimp (actually all sorts of seafood), so she made me a special batch of salad that had no shrimp in it! I was so touched!!! (there was this incident a couple of years ago when her mom didn't know, and I had a big allergic reaction to the salad..) Lisa also had a draw with presents that she bought.. I swear, she should start charging admissions next year. It was a rocking party, there's no doubt about that.

In the middle of the party, I went out and picked up Evelyn from the airport as she was coming back for her Christmas vacation. I also picked up another friend of mine on the way, as he finished his co-op term down in San Diego. By the end of the night, I had pretty much talked to everybody there (there was at least 50-60 people) and had a great time. I didn't end up leaving the party until around 2am..

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