Tuesday, December 16, 2003


I got sick today - decided not to go to work since I feel dead and my limbs are all out of control. It sucks because the project at work needed me there to verify that things are still okay, but I couldn't do it. Sent an e-mail off to my boss but received no reply, hopefully that's a sign that everything is taken care of, and not that I've been fired. :(

It was great being home though, since I had a lot of time to think. For those who know me on a personal level, should know that one of my biggest compliants about growing up is the lack of time to sit down and think. Perhaps I should blame my social life - now that I'm no longer isolated as I was in high school, I always have somewhere to be other than in my own home. In result, I don't really reflect on my life and other things I have done.. which leads to my poor temper and lack of patience towards life.

Asked my brother to get food for me - turned out that he still hates me and only doing it because he feels obliged to. I admit that I haven't been treating him well myself, and I just don't know how to fix that now. I've tried being nice to him, only to be snubbed and talked down to. Doesn't stop me from trying though.. although sometimes it gets discouraging. I guess you can't really 'make up' for your mistakes..

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