Saturday, January 24, 2004

Canadian Undergraduate Technology Conference - Day 2

The day started with a keynote speaker from Sun Microsystems, Glenn Edens, to talk about the merits of working in the technology sector. He had jumped from company to company, started his own company (Grid Systems), built the first laptop computer in the world. I wonder if I will be as accomplished by the time I'm his age?

After the keynote session, we boarded different school buses to one of the signature events of the CUTC, the TechTour. We had to choose between various companies or research laboratories to visit, and I chose to tour the Defense Research and Development of Canada. Not only because I always had a keen interest in working for the government (more like the Department of Defense), but it is not an everyday affair when you can waltz into their research labs and look around! It was really interesting to see that Canada is not that behind in our research capabilities, and I definitely saw some cool stuff like helicopter simulators.

When I returned to the conference, I attended more seminars regarding resume writing and job searching techniques. After which I met up with some friends and headed to downtown Toronto for a night out in the city.

Went to Alice Fazooli's for dinner, had some decent pasta (nothing compared to Gracie's) and a little bit of wine. It was getting late so we all went to the nightclub that the CUTC organizers had arranged - Joe. Now I was a little surprised because it was more rock music and less dance music, so I had no idea how to dance to 'rock'.. but it was fun times regardless. Had a couple more drinks, then one girl mentioned that she'd rather go to a real dance club. So we all left and went across the street to Money, and spent the rest of the night there. Didn't get home until 3am.. ugh.. last day of conference tomorrow!

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