Thursday, January 22, 2004

Fourth Year Design Project Symposium

C'est tout!! The fourth year project is finally OVER for good. The project that I spent over 16 months creating, developing, and pulling out hair, is finally over. It ended on a high note with a public symposium, showcasing all our efforts in the final year project. My seminar prosentation went well, especially when I invited two of the project sponsors to watch, as well as the project consultant. They seemed really pleased with our results! To top that off, I was interviewed by CKCO news and I probably was on the news last night. (too bad I don't have a TV, did anybody catch that??) They saw that my project was community-based, which is very different from being commerical-centric (like every other project). The reporter asked me a couple of questions about the system, how much work we put into it, etc. Well, there goes my fifteen minutes of fame. :P

Furthermore, our project was picked out as an example on the UW Bulletin today :
University of Waterloo Daily Bulletin - Wednesday January 21st, 2004

Check out the story titled "E&CE students show design projects", and check out the second bullet point. That's my project!! :)

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