Friday, April 02, 2004


Woke up at 8:30am this morning - perhaps the one of the earliest days I have woken up this semester. I was invited to attend the launch of the "Impaired Driving Simulator", hosted by the Waterloo Regional Police. Yes, this was the fourth year design project I was involved with throughout most of the last year and a half. Although the symposium was back in January, this is the official launch of the project into the public. Everything was done to perfection - the vehicle was sitting in the background with the simulator running (part of the reason I was there.. well, to make sure that it's working), catered food in the back with coffee, and chairs piled to the front, big projector screen, and a podium.

I was to give a brief 2-3 minute speech. This reminded me of my impromptu sessions in my public speaking class. I quickly scrambled a few words onto my cue card (which was my grocery receipt that I happen to put in my wallet), and spoke in front of a dozen of people, representatives from the media, the president of Toyota Canada, MPs, head of the regional police, etc. Interesting how these 'skills' I have learned actually came into use today!

Afterwards I gave some demonstration of the simulator to the president of Toyota Canada, talked to him about his vision of the future vehicles and how he is committed to making it even safer than it is today. He also talked about positions and openings in his plants, and asked me what my future plans were after I graduate...

I was caught on a few shots by the CKCO CTV news camera (supposedly I was on the 6 o'clock news?) and I was interviewed by The Record and The Mirror.. could this be my fifteen minutes of fame? (nah, I already had that back in high school)

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