Monday, May 10, 2004

Europe - Day 1 Amended

So now that I have found an internet cafe (thanks to my knowledge from previous work terms), I can explain the day in more detail in my usual redudent style of writing. First of all, to answer a comment from my dear friend, yes I was using my mobile phone to enter entries here. I love technology, and I use it to my advantage. :P

My friend Lisa was nice enough to pick me up from my place on Friday, in order for the minicab driver to take us to the airport. Am I glad I didn't have to drive to the airport! There was a massive traffic jam towards the airport. I didn't realize that I was going to take off from the New Terminal 1! It looked just like the airport in Hong Kong when it was first built - unfinished, very futuristic looking, and HUGE.

After bypassing the line for checking in (once again, thanks to technology, ExpressCheckIn works very well), and paying $9.09 for a turkey sandwich that was soggy, we were at the gate waiting for departure. As mentioned before, babies crying and airplane food filled our times on the airplane. Lucky for me, Big Fish was the movie of choice on the aircraft - just as I saw it two days ago. Not a big deal, I watched it again and I was tearing, again. At least I know it's a definite DVD purchase!

At the airport, we waited for Amy and Lorene as they took a later flight than we did. It is not exactly helpful when none of us has seen them or know them personally - they were friends of my friend's sister. But when two chinese girls walk out with big suitcases from the London Heathrow airport, then it is obvious we have the right people. (I cheated, I have met Amy briefly a couple of days prior to our departure)

The trek to London was an interesting one - the feeling of familarity on the tube, mixed with the anticipation of the trip with seven other people. On the tube, I was thinking about the four months I spent here and how much I really missed the place. It was a good feeling to know everything that's going around, and helping my otherwise clueless friends along.

Finally met up with Priscilla and Lorraine at the Contiki Basement, then we walked around London a bit after eating McD's. Oxford Street was obviously their choice of an 'eventful' afternoon. I am guessing that it will be the destination of choice once we return to London - they have already picked out their favourite stores and Lisa already wanted to buy this white handbag!

After dinner, I went out with Lorraine, Amy, and Lorene for a little tour of Soho. The rest of them got too tired and went back to the hotel. I took them around the 'usual' places I hung out at while I was in London, went into "All Bar One" for a little bit of drinking. I introduced them to "Strongbow" - and they loved it. We left a little bit past midnight because the bars all closed at 11:00pm, one of my annoyances with London's nightlife.

This takes us to Day 2 of the Europe trip.. which I will continue when I have a little bit of time. I bought a notepad to jot down little details throughout the trip, so hopefully I won't forget anything when I'm writing my travel journal next time.

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