Friday, May 07, 2004

Just 18 more hours..

I cannot believe I am actually going back to Europe again! This is just surreal.. in a couple of hours, I'll be on board a plane and going back to one of my favourite cities (I haven't been to many, so bear with me there) in Europe. Then I'll be traveling with some friends for about three weeks, snapping lots of photographs, and writing in my travel journal.

Today I met up with my friend's sister again, just to hang out a bit more and walk around the shopping mall. I had to return a duffle bag from MEC because it wasn't allowed on the tour, and so I'll be using my trusty old suitcase.. which actually has been with me to many places around the world. Perhaps I need to keep a travel log of my belongings too.. because it's pretty amazing that my shoes has been in England, France, Brussels, and the Netherlands.. not to mention Canada and the US! Hehehe.. my backpack, however, takes the crown because it has traveled with me everywhere.

During my trip I will continue to blog throughout, thanks to modern technology. Oh how I love the technology..

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