Saturday, May 29, 2004

Returned Home.. SAFELY

Just got in the door half an hour ago, and now I'm faced with piles of letters, bills, and so much e-mail it could choke me to death. In any case, I was *supposed* to arrive much earlier today. My flight was to arrive at 7:45pm. In short, one of my friends lost her passport (read: stolen) mere four hours before the flight and there was much panic and anxiety. I volunteered to stay behind and made sure that everyhing was taken care of. Within two hours, we filed a police report, cancelled credit cards, and replaced the passport at the consulate. Unfortunately, we missed the flight leaving for Toronto. It didn't seem likely that we would be leaving any time soon, because it seems that the flights are overbooked until June 1st. Luckily, a bit of persuasive talking with the sob story of my friend's little 'incident' got us seats on the next flight and here I am!

I guess I'll write more when I'm a little more awake. For now I'm terribly exhausted and in need of much sleep.

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