Monday, October 27, 2003

Happy Birthday to me!

Today also marks the second anniversary of this weblog. Looking back to a year ago when I made a statement that I need to pick myself up. Funny, because it seems that I have gone around in a full circle and landed in the exact same spot as last year, if not worse. I have grown, oh yes I have, in terms of 'reality checks' and what not. I learned more about the 'dark side' of human beings, the 'deception and lies' that some of my so-called 'friends' make up, and even witnessed betrayal of trust and loyalty. One of my old friends from high school was right when she told me, "What goes around comes around".. I guess it's my turn now. Retribution - how appropriate at this moment.

There is also this I wrote on my birthday last year also. The phone call I got last year from that person, no longer recurred this year. (perhaps our 'relationship' was much better in previous year than it is currently) Instead, I had some real friends who traveled distance (and I really mean traveled) to wish me happy birthday last night over dinner, and for this, I am truly appreciative. Some friends even made an effort to call me, even if they are half way across the country.

And then, there is the special someone who have always remained by my side, who probably had been thinking about today since a year ago :P I don't think I would be here today without the support I received from her.

I have another 15 hours to enjoy *MY* day - and I'm not going to waste a second of it. :)