Monday, November 28, 2005

Saturday Night Outing

It was the co-op's birthday on Sunday so a whole bunch of us from work went out to celebrate (it was actually the new grad's birthday on Saturday, so it was a dual-birthday celebration!). Went to dinner at Il Bordello, a surprisingly-good Italian restaurant near Wapping, and enjoyed a nice pizza with some good wine. Then we quickly headed off to Lab in Soho. After a few cocktails we went to yet another birthday party at Kabaret's Prophecy.

When we got to the club, they had already reserved a table and everything so we just sat around drinking. It was a member's only club, so the crowd is a bit more exclusive. After a few rounds, this group of people came in with cameras and this girl started posing for the cameraman. A few of us were thinking, "Wow, are they doing a porn cover shoot here or something?"

The girl wasn't bad looking, but just her poses and the way she presented herself was quite provocative. It turned out they were movie actresses from California filming in London (and apparently she was on the O.C. also...), and she was in London filming It's A Boy Girl Thing. I suppose she must've been really drunk, because she wrote her phone number down and stuffed it in my hand when I was leaving..

Ah well, not that I'd call but it's a nice ego-boost nevertheless! :D


Anonymous said...

You never told me you've got number from a HOT actress >_<

You shouldn't be angry that I got a business card~

MiDNiTiE said...

Not as if I went out of my way to get the number.. and I had no intention of calling either. In fact, I gave that number to a colleague of mine right outside the club!