Sunday, March 16, 2003

Tales from Canterbury

This weekend I have decided to visit Canterbury at last, and it was definitely worth my trip there. Canterbury itself is not a very 'happening' town, in fact, it really fits the typical image of a small English town. Taking the train takes a little less than two hours to reach this charming small town. The remains of the old city walls are clearly seen when entering the centre of the town. Upon entering the city, the tall West Gate Tower stood before me. Passing the tower is a set of pedestrian-only streets, each lined with stores and restaurants to tempt the tourists visiting. Eating fish and chips on the street feels very different from eating in a restaurant at home!

After lunch I went to the cathedral - the main purpose of the visit. It truly lives up to the name and hype that has been given to it. As the centre of the Church of England, it preserves a sacred aura on the grounds and inside the cathedral itself. The cathedral itself has been burned down several times, and rebuilt several times. Once inside the cathedral, the different styles of architecture is clearly seen in the design of the ceiling, to the layering of bricks. Unfortunately a lot of the historical stained glass windows were destroyed by Henry VIII or during the crusade which swept Europe. I also stayed for the evensong service, and the choir was absolutely astounding. I closed my eyes, and it was as if I was transported back into the 12th centuries when the clergies would sing and contemplate the wisdom in the Bible in the nave.

Before leaving Canterbury, I noticed that there was a Winnie the Pooh Shop - so I went and took pictures for Evelyn since she loves Pooh. (to which she says, "I love everything that's round".. ugh) Also I ate at the Old Weavers House, and had the BEST treacle pudding I have had. (I have only had three in my lifetime thus far, but hey, it's just a comparative statement)

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