Friday, April 25, 2003

Brussels Day 2

Second and last day in Brussels before heading to the Netherlands. Early in the morning, I checked out of the hotel (oh yeah, I could only book the place for one night), headed back to the Tourist Information Centre, and found myself another place to stay for the night. It was a little further, but at least I don't have to sleep in the train station. Walked through Grand Place again, and found the place has a special charm in the early morning. The glittering gold on top of buildings gives the square an aura that is not explained in words. It seem to glow and light up the entire square.

Took the transit and visited the Atomium and the EU buildings. The atomium is an iron crystal structure model blown up, and built as the centerpiece of the World's Fair that was held in Brussels one year. Being a big science geek (yes, yes), I was very amazed how closely they calculated the angle between each iron atom. Not far from the Atomium is the HQ of the European Union. Brussels, being the capital of EU, has numerous buildings that acts as the central government. I swear they must have spent all their money on building their nice shiny metal buildings! It was very glamorous.. no wonder the EU is suffering an economic crisis. :P

Walked around the city a little more, had more waffles (this time with ice-cream.. mmm), and went to taste the beer at the Beer Temple. (I have a picture) Of course, another famous product from Belgium is their chocolate. I bought boxes and boxes to share with friends when I return home. (Evelyn got a HUGE box of handpicked ones, I had to taste each one before buying, oh the pain, oh the horror) The beer, of course, was as good as ever. Belgium beer *IS* different. Now this is something I didn't mind spending hours trying. I was literally in the Beer Temple for hours. Looking and trying out different kinds of beer, from lagers to ale, from dark to light, heavily-bodied to light-bodied.. everything! Are you jealous yet? :P

Headed back to the hotel to relax a bit before a night in the town, and met these few girls that were in town for a field trip. They were originally from the US, and went on exchange in Italy to study the EU and government policies. I guess they are all Political Science majors? Anyway, they seemed to be in high spirits, reading Cosmopolitan and Glamour. We chatted until they had to leave for their evening seminar. Luckily I'm not them :)

Went back to the Grand Place area for dinner, ended up wandering into an Italian restaurant and had some amazing pasta. Of course I tried out another kind of beer, and some amazing chocolate waffle. Mmm.. makes me salivate just thinking about it! Spent the entire night talking with the concierge that worked at the hotel I stayed at. He and I shared some pretty similar views on the whole war issue, people in the US in general, and girls. HAHAHA. He treated me to a coke and an espresso.. and offered me several bottles of Evian water (which costs 3 euros) throughout the night when we chatted. He was a really nice guy - too bad I didn't get his contact detail. He said the next time I go back to Brussels, he'll take me around town. :) I'll hold him to that.

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