Wednesday, April 23, 2003

Final Day in London

Waking up at 8:00am is hardly unusual now, given the way I have been traveling. Running errands suck, a lot. It doesn't help when everywhere I went, there were millions of obstacles. For example, I wanted to close my bank account today - the entire computer system at the bank was down for the whole day. I went to pick up my dry clean, they hung all my shirts on hangers instead of folding them. Huh? I asked for them to be folded so I could just put them in my suitcase. I didn't pay them to make me do the work of folding!

I spent a good chunk of the day just wrapping things up in London, since I won't have another day to spare between my excursion and my flight home. It's been an interesting four months - I will not forget London. Oh yes, I do intend to return sometime in the future, whether it be a vacation or a short-term job placement.

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