Saturday, April 19, 2003

Edinburgh Day 1

Thankfully Evelyn called and woke me up at 5:00am to catch my train. Unfortunately, due to my lack of foresight last night, I ended up getting two hours of sleep after visiting the toilet several times throughout the night. Left the house at 6:00am and arrived at King's Cross Station with ten minutes to spare. Whew. Hopped on the GNER train to Edinburgh, and noticed how much nicer it is compared to the local southern England trains. I suppose this is the difference of paying almost �90 for a return ticket.

The ride to Edinburgh was rather noisy, as the kid behind me just WOULDN'T SHUT UP! He kept crying and screaming and trying to talk. Give it up, you're not talking for another four months. I can almost vaguely hear Evelyn say, "Now don't be so harsh, the baby is probably going through the phase where.. " and she would go on for ten minutes explaining why the baby is acting up on the train. Hehe. I just wanted the baby to sleep so I COULD!

Upon arrival at Edinburgh Waverly station, I dashed to the Tourist Information Centre hoping that I could find a place to sleep. Seems like the only vacancies available are in hotels or B&Bs that are on the outskirts of the city. I quickly snatched up a room for two nights about half an hour away from the city centre, and headed there to drop off my backpack. It turned out to be a lovely home, and the atmosphere is most comfortable. My room was a single room, with a shower stall and a wash basin inside. It was quite decent.. almost like a hotel!

I wandered around the city centre but it was getting rather late, so I bought a ticket to the hop-on hop-off tour buses. These buses runs across the city to various tourist sights, and you can get off to look around if you like. Once you are done with that particular area, you can hop back on the next bus and continue your journey. Saves me the time and effort to walk. (ha, I'm just lazy) The first time around I just sat on the bus and looked at all the buildings and sights the bus takes me to. I made note of the ones I'd like to explore a little more, and took a lot of pictures along the way. After one round (which was about 1.25 hours) it was getting rather late, so I had a quick dinner and then headed back to the B&B for a nice comfortable rest.

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