Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Returning from Scotland

Today is pretty much a en-route day, since I left the B&B as soon as breakfast was over. This breakfast was pretty sad compared to the one in Edinburgh, but I didn't expect too much from the way my room looked. After roaming Glasgow a little longer, I decided to visit the famous Willow Tea Room. It was designed by the famous Scottish designer, Charles Rennie Mackintosh. He is a really famous interior designer with some rather interesting ideas. His most famous Mackintosh Chair is seen everywhere in Glasgow. At the Willow Tea Room, I had the High Tea. It is literally a meal, complete with sandwiches, pastries, scone with cream and jam, a slice of cake, and of course, tea. It comes in this tower of plates, held up by a metal frame. I barely finished all the food on there!

On my way back from Edinburgh to Glasgow I met these three young people on the train. Two of them are supposedly engaged (or so I gather from their conversation). It was quite entertaining indeed, listening to their conversation. At least it alleviated the boredom from the eight hours I had to endure on the train. They were reading OK! and New Women, listening to Justin Timberlake, chatting about sex and what not. Seems like some things are common around the world. :P

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