Wednesday, June 02, 2004

In Halifax

I have arrived in Halifax last night, but was too tired to update the blog. It was an interesting road trip for two days, especially as we drove through the different provinces and learn of their 'culture'. Several things came to mind:

  • In Quebec (and parts of Nova Scotia), they can have a railroad track crossing right in the middle of a major highway (with speed limit up to 110 km/h). Furthermore, the warning sign of such a crossing is placed 300m before the crossing, making it almost impossible to stop if there REALLY was a train passing through.
  • There are many animals that may cross the highway, so drivers must pay attention to them. They include deer, moose, trucks, and snowmobiles.
  • On some parts of the highway in Quebec, wind blows across them. They have a sign warning drivers that wind blows across highways.
  • Behind almost every road sign in Nova Scotia, there is a big red sign that says "WRONG WAY". Has it become that much of a problem that they need to remind people at every opportunity?

Before arriving in Halifax yesterday, we visited the Hopewell Rocks and Magnetic Hill. Hopewell Rocks is located at a corner in the Bay of Fundy, and have such drastic sea level changes between high tide and low tide that parts of the ocean floor is accessible during low tide. By chance we arrived when it was at the low tide, so we took a little walk on the "beach" - it was so surreal! About eight hours ago, the place was submerged in water!

Magnetic Hill was a total tourist trap. We arrived after they had closed, but they left the gates open so we just drove in and see what it was about. Found the hill that was supposedly "magnetic", and tried to see if the car will indeed move "up the hill". It did work! We were in quite a shock.. Of course, until we figured out how it worked. I suppose I won't disclose our theory here, and if you haven't been there, you should check it out for yourself.

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