Sunday, June 27, 2004

Jazz Fest in Downtown Toronto

It was the opening of the Jazz Fest in Toronto today, and their new title sponsor really made the event more spectacular than before. At least now the signage is much larger and clearer, and they spent enough money doing promotions on the television and radio that the general public actually KNOWS there is a festival going on.

Met up with the three sisters (Xania, Tania, and Sonia) and Eugene for a bit of Jazz fun near St. Lawrence Market, and ended up going to the Bier Markt for a group called L.M.T. Connections. Never heard of them, but not that I know many Jazz players. It was quite.. rock, to tell you the truth. Enjoyable though, since drinking was involved and the sisters got up to dance. I did not dance for obvious reasons (I don't pride myself in moving my bodies in ways that dancers do).

On the way home, Xania and Sonia were singing Avril Lavigne in my car.. causing nearby taxi drivers and bystanders to look.. one taxi driver even gave them a thumbs up. Mmm, maybe I should get the three of them to start a band.. hey, that's how Hanson started.

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