Friday, August 27, 2004

What do you mean school is over??

Somehow after the first day of the graduate training programme, I do not think that my schooling career is quite over..

Yes, I have to finish studying all three modules in the Securities Level 3 Certificate within these two months. (what about Levels 1 and 2?!) Oh, and of course pass the regulatory exams.

Not to mention that I still have full-time training internally at the company, as well as periodic assessments (read: exams) that will directly affect my evaluation, which we all know affects the year-end bonus.

On the other hand, the ratio of male to female in finance is comparable to engineering. How great, I pick careers or subjects that minimizes any distractions.. yeah, that's it.

By the way, thanks for those who took the time out to e-mail me. Your support and encouragement is much appreciated. You people rule!

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