Monday, August 02, 2004

Final Days of Partying

Just got back from meeting up with Arthur for one last time before I leave Hong Kong. It was also because he asked me to bring something back to Toronto for his friend, because it is her birthday soon. Played a couple rounds of arcades (of course, I lost miserably still), had water drip on us while having bubble tea, we caught the very last MTR train back home.

Last night was *craziness* though.. Arthur's friend had a birthday party in TST, at the karaoke lounge. I originally told my grandparents that I'd be home that night.. well, I did eventually make it back to Fairview Park, but it was close to 7:00am when I got back! The night was just filled with drinking, singing, more drinking, talking with a lot of people, and more drinking. I was told that apparently the crowd is already smaller than usual, but there were already enough alcohol to power a small third-world country for a month.

Better party it up before I go back.. before joining the rat race..

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