Wednesday, November 24, 2004

Lack of update = Lack of life

It's been a week since I last wrote! To start off, I'm sick (once again) and hence, I'm still home in my jammies trying to fight the flu. This is also the reason how I found time to post this up. The week basically consisted of work, and more work, and a bit of time off during the weekend because the office building was closed for maintenance. Work had been absolutely draining - the learning curve is steeper than I could ever imagine! The amount of reading and learning I do is equivalent to being in school the whole day.

Other than that, I really have not done much outside of work. I leave for work in the darkness of the earning morn, I return home in the darkness of the late night. I fix something quick to eat, and then I sleep. The routine repeats itself.

On Saturday I went to visit a friend after shopping in Chinatown. Together we went to meet up with her friends near the waterfront for a drink, and found out that this city does not have a nightlife, even on Saturday, if you are away from where the mainstream "party" district is. We were literally forced out the door at 11:30pm. The night was still young! Unfortunately a few of them lived quite far, so we called it an early night.

Last but not least, I *really* need to get some sleep. One reason why I think I'm sick is the lack of sleep and the irregular eating patterns..

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