Friday, July 09, 2004

I Think I'm Melting!

Even as I arrived in Hong Kong at 5:30am and started to walk towards the bus station, I felt the infamous 'stuffy' smog surrounding me. It only got worse throughout the day - at about noon I felt I was going to collapse. I thought Toronto was bad, this puts Toronto into the 'clean' category.

I'm now sitting in a internet cafe, next to some punk kid (he cannot be more than 13 years old) playing Counter Strike. I guess this is the summer holiday for kids in Hong Kong too. The past few days I have been spending some quality time with my grandparents, and walked around my neighbourhood.

In any case, I should find something to do here.. this will get boring very quickly..

1 comment:

Adrian said...

Air conditioning is your friend in the summer in Hong Kong. Don't forget that. :)

The new malls in HK are IFC (at Central) and Festival Walk (at Kowloon Tong), take a day to check them out.

But HK is cleaner. No more trash on the ground. *whew*

I got your SMS message, so it does work. (Unfortunately it woke me up at 3am, oh well)

Enjoy your time there. :)