Tuesday, January 21, 2003

It seems like my quest every week is to find something fun and exciting to do for the weekend, as work is neither challenging or satisfying enough for my thirst of knowledge. (more like I'm just a slacker and don't feel like working and want to party all the time) This week I want to take a longer trip - ones that requires an overnight stay. Not that I have a lot of money for that, but going further will limit my ability to return on the same day.

Right now it's looking like I'll be visiting Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. A couple of other co-ops from Oxford will be going there for the weekend, and travelling companion = good! Tripping is not cheap either - it's about �40 for the return train ticket, and another �20 for the stay at the hostel I believe. However, I am living the attitude that if I don't do it, I'll probably regret it.

My other supervisor (I have two) came back from his two week vacation. He used to study at the University of Waterloo also, and he is the main reason why I am working here! Talk about the extensive network of Waterloo grads and how they can get you places eh? I hope when I graduate, I will be able to yield such powers as to hire co-ops for my future workplace if they don't already. :)

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