Monday, January 20, 2003

The rain truly sucks. I hate the weather here. Due to the unfortunate weather conditions, the outing to Hampton Court has been postponed until further notice. It would have been quite a drag if I went though, so perhaps I'll wait for the sky to clear up and get a better view of the entire castle from the outside. Besides, it is only about half an hour train ride outside of London.

Instead, I took this chance to relax and walk around a little more. Enjoyed a nice afternoon of shoping (window shopping that is), and some good time at the internet cafe. I miss having internet access. I really should be grateful of broadband access in Canada. Also visited China Town (more like the street where chinese stores and restaurants are), and had dinner there. So expensive, but I miss it so I didn't care. Played DDR, made me feel a little better. Perhaps because it made me feel at home. Hahaha.. funny how a video game can relieve my homesickness a little.

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