Thursday, January 16, 2003

Trying to do my laundry for the first time here, and already having some problems. Now I know that they like to put their laundry machine in the kitchen (to this day I still don't understand why) since they do the same thing in Hong Kong. I also know they like front-load instead of top-load. Nothing prepared me for using a washer that spins at 1200 rpm. I swear, I think the machine is shredding my clothes or something. In fact, it's still going and I fear that I will soon have no undergarments to wear. :)

Work is moving forward very slowly. Somehow Matlab does not like matrices with 235,787 rows in them. It has been chugging away at those numbers since 8am this morning. Besides that, it's more waiting. Waiting for somebody to bring me a new machine, waiting for somebody to set me up an account, waiting for this, waiting for that. Business is slower than ever here.

Met up with a friend that I met a couple of years ago when I went to Taiwan, and had a pint. It was good to talk about old times, unfortunately he had to go and finish off his essay that's due tomorrow. Plenty of chances to see him around still, since I'll be relying on him to take me out and really experience life here.

My mind is pretty much set on either Hampton Court or Windsor. Maybe I'll do both, one on Saturday and one on Sunday. Hopefully it will work out. :)

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