Monday, February 17, 2003

Alright, so I have successfully completed the "London in two days" feat. It wasn't easy (waking Evelyn up at 8am was the hardest part), and it cost quite a bit (although I have been trying to cut down the cost by not visiting all the useless places, like the Dungeon of London where 'scary' ghosts tell you how foolish you are for falling for that crap). Yesterday we went on the London Eye. I made it all worthwhile by taking at least 30-40 pictures on top of the wheel. London certainly looks different on the 'eye'. Oh and Evelyn finally explained to me why it's called the London Eye. Apparently (I think I'm the only person who did not realize this), the 'eye' allows you to see 'London', hence 'London Eye'. I always thought that it looked like an eye, and so they named it after that. Ugh. I hate being wrong.

After a warm and soothing cup of caf� latte, we went to Westminster Abbey to admire the lovely cathedral. After spending a good hour looking at deceased kings and queens, and famous poets (such as Shakespeare, T.S. Elliot, Geoffrey Chaucer), we walked to the Buckingham Palace. On our way there, took pictures with the clock tower (otherwise known as the "Big Ben") and the parliament. We did not realize that the entrance to Buckingham Palace was hidden in St. James Park, and it took us a little while to locate the gate. Also took some pictures in front of the Queen Victoria Memorial, and of course the famous palace gates. Since it was a rather cold day, it did not take much effort to convince Evelyn and I that staying outside is a bad idea.

After a bumpy tube ride, we arrived at Leicester Square. From there we visited Chinatown and Soho � where London�s red-light district lies. Streets are literally lined with �licensed� sex shops selling all sorts of merchandises that make your mother cringe. Then I made the biggest mistake of my life (well, okay, not THE biggest) � taking Evelyn to Oxford Street & Regent Street. Should have seen her jaws drop as she walks past H&M, Topshop, Shelley�s, and all these other department stores. She especially liked Hanley�s, a six-storey toy store that has everything a kid would want. At the end of all the ooh�s and ahh�s from looking at the clothing, we reached the corner of Tottenham Court Road and Oxford Street. Nearing dinner and both of us were starving; we headed to a restaurant on the south side of Leicester Square called Bella. Dinner was excellent, followed by long walks all around the London West End. Decided to call it quits at around 11:00pm, and promptly went home to sleep.

On Sunday morning before we enjoyed another full day of tourist activities, we ate breakfast at Caf� Italia. Our first stop was the Tower of London. After reaching the tube station, we have decided not to enter due to the massive queue outside. Instead we headed to the Tower Bridge and took some pictures instead. Tower Bridge is what the rest of the world identifies as the London Bridge, and the actual London Bridge is.. well, a small dinky bridge next to it. If you see the pictures you will understand what I mean. From there we left for Trafalgar Square, where millions (another exaggeration) of pigeons spend their days. Evelyn was running around, trying to dodge the pigeons either flying towards here on a collision course, or them dropping bombs on her. In either case, she quickly posed for several pictures before nagging me to leave.

The rest of the day was rather uneventful, as we were both exhausted from the two day London tour. Oh right, we�re here at the internet caf� blogging. Going home soon though, since I have work tomorrow. On the other hand, Evelyn is excited about the fact that she will get to sleep in� ugh.

Somethings just don�t change.

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