Thursday, February 20, 2003

Evelyn in London

I really enjoyed the week when Evelyn was here. On Monday, she visited her friend up in Nottingham and didn�t return to London until around 11:00pm (which, coincidentally, was the time I left work so I went to pick her up). She claimed she studied during the day on Tuesday, and after work I took her to an Italian restaurant nearby. I think it was called Carluccio�s. Yes it was that insanely expensive lunch restaurant that my boss insists on having for lunch. It was a lovely evening with amazing food. Ask Evelyn - she couldn�t get enough of the Tiramisu. Now Wednesday night was one of the more expensive nights, since we went to see Phantom of the Opera. She kept saying how amazing it was and how she loves the show and wants to see it again. Well, for your information, I have seen the show for the� third time now. It must be due to the fact I was sitting so close to the stage (hence the ��� of the tickets), but this time around I actually understood the story. After the show we went to Pizza Express for some non-American style pizza. Can you believe I paid �10 for a pizza? Ugh. Well, it was definitely better than Gino�s in the University Plaza, that�s for sure.

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